Welcome to

Achieving together what one cannot do alone

Building future cooperatives starting with our youth.

Our Mission: The Virginia Cooperative Council (VCC) seeks to promote greater understanding of the history, purpose, services and bright future of Virginia’s cooperative businesses and organizations and their many contributions to the state economy and its citizens. 

As a not-for-profit, we pursue this mission through educational programs and working with the Commonwealth’s land-grant universities, Virginia Tech and Virginia State, as well as the 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) programs.

Reasons to join VCC

  • Co-ops exist to meet member needs.
  • Their focus is on service to members.
  • Owned and controlled by members.
  • Help keep resources in the community.
  • Contribute to economic stability.

Join Us Now!

Member and Youth Testimonials

Virginia and National


VICE Attendees
NICE Attendees